Shop No.8, Bldg, 9B, Neelam Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400081
+91 9764267351

Advance Gum Surgery

You may need surgery for severe gum disease (periodontitis) if it cannot be cured with antibiotics or root planning and scaling.


Before and After picture

What are advanced gum procedures?

These are surgical procedures performed on the gums to re-establish the healthy state of your gums. They include procedures like

  • Flap surgeries
  • Gingivectomy
  • curettage

Why is a flap surgery done?

The flap procedure is necessary when severe gum disease (periodontitis) has damaged the bones that support your teeth.

What is a flap procedure?

A flap procedure cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease. A gum specialist (periodontist) performs the procedure.

Before the procedure, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb (freeze) the area where the doctor will work on your gums.

The doctor will pull back a section of your gums to clean the roots of your teeth and repair damaged bone, if needed. The gum flap will be sewed back into place and covered with gauze to stop the bleeding.

Bone may be:

  • Smoothed and reshaped so that plaque has fewer places to grow.
  • Repaired (grafted) with bone from another part of the body or with man-made materials. The doctor may place a lining on the bone graft to help the bone grow back. The lining may need to be removed later.

What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is surgical removal of the gum tissue. This procedure may be carried out surgically or with the help recent technological advances like laser or electrocautery.


What is Gingival Curettage?

When a case of Periodontitis or gum disease results in shallow periodontal pockets than Gingival Curettage is advised, Gingival curettage involves deep cleaning & removal of tartar and bacterial Plaque from the gingival pockets.
This Procedure can be performed either manually with a special instrument under local anesthesia or with Lasers, while using lasers Anesthesia Injection is not required
Gingival Curettage is a procedure that improves the stability of the teeth and the health of the gums.



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    Shop No.8, Bldg, 9B, Neelam Nagar

    Mumbai, Maharashtra 400081


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