Shop No.8, Bldg, 9B, Neelam Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400081
+91 9764267351

Invisalign Braces

Invisible Braces make it possible to correct your teeth alignment without minimizing the beauty of your smile. Invisible braces are an excellent alternative to the conventional metal braces, especially those with an active social life. This section tells you all about this orthodontic wonder that has created a buzz among many socialites.


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What are Invisible Braces?

Invisible Braces is a fast new way to move teeth so that you can close gaps, re-align crooked teeth and cure over or underbites. In that way, it performs exactly the same function as conventional braces. What makes Invisible Braces different is a series of clear aligners, rather than the conventional metal track braces. These aligners are each less than one millimetres thick and also removable. So while you are wearing them, they are very discrete.


What is meant by clear aligners?

Clear Aligners are medical grade plastic trays that do not require any braces or wire. They are totally invisible hence; the aesthetic concerns are duly met and make them very appealing with adults who need orthodontic treatment. Though placed inside they do not have any food restrictions associated. People believe that they might face speech difficulties; which is a myth. On the other hand, transparent braces are highly comfortable and hygienic. Clear Aligners also hide existing gaps.


What is the process of getting invisible braces?


How fast does invisible braces work?

Cases of mild correction can generally be treated in 12 months. Other patients with severe problems may need to wear their aligners for anything up to three years. Since the aligners are removable, the treatment time can get extended if they are removed before the prescribed time. Dentists recommend that they are worn for around 22 hours per day. Invisible Braces Express is ideal for correction that can be treated in six months. The results and time span for treatment vary from person to person, so it’s best to consult your dentist.


What sort of food can i eat when in invisible braces treatment?

Since the aligners are removable, once they are off your teeth you can eat almost anything without worrying.

Eating while wearing your aligners may not be good idea, although it is not altogether prohibited. New aligners can be tight-fitting and painful to remove but your dentist will strongly recommend you to remove them before eating. Any debris accumulating in your aligners will spoil their look and promote tooth decay. So if you eat with your aligners on, remove and clean them as soon as you’re done eating. Remember that your Invisible Braces aligners are made of thin plastic. Chewing can easily damage them and distort their original shape. Distorted aligners are capable of disrupting the treatment and produce undesirable results. Besides aligners can make chewing awkward at times, trapping food in them, creating an embarrassing situation for you when in public. You may have to give up chewing gum, bubblegum, toffee and caramel and other sticky foods which are more susceptible to getting stuck in your aligners.


What else should i need know before considering invisible braces?

Some patients find slight change in their eating habits, such as avoiding hard foods that require greater biting pressure. This may be because of the soreness in gums while changing aligners. Such soreness may also be felt when removing or reinserting aligners. One may switch to larger meals in greater gaps with less snacking in between.



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    Shop No.8, Bldg, 9B, Neelam Nagar

    Mumbai, Maharashtra 400081


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